Blog posts
Bored to tiers: Reforming carbon leakage
This week, Sandbag presented its ‘tiering’ proposal to the Environment Committee shadow rapporteurs meeting on reforming the Emission Trading Scheme. The proposal recommends a way to improve ‘carbon leakage’ protections, with a nifty boost for ambition at the same...
Is it worth it? Federley’s proposal on the Innovation Fund
Update 04/05/16 following full publication of Mr Federley’s proposal The 150 million ETS allowances proposed to be used to top up the Innovation Fund are not destined to be removed the Market Stability Reserve (MSR), as reported in the media (see below). Apologies for...
EU must walk the talk on climate ambition and Paris
Tomorrow the European Union, alongside over 150 states, will sign the Paris agreement at a ceremony in New York. But can we really live up to the promise of keeping the world below 1.5 degrees warming with the current low level of ambition in the European 2030 climate...
Cut the flab: Cement sector’s free lunch is costing other companies
Sandbag’s recent report on the cement sector highlighted several key flaws in Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) rules around free allocation of allowances. These rules give rise to perverse incentives to pollute: we estimate the ETS has increased cement sector emissions,...
DATA: Preliminary data shows further fall in ETS emissions
Today preliminary data released on the 12,194 installations in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) show 2015 emissions fell again. Stationary emissions were 1802Mt in 2015 (i.e. excluding aviation), down by 0.6% from 1813Mt in 2014. This is exactly as Sandbag...
ETS funds can break the climate ambition deadlock
See our newest paper “Sharing the Burden – EU ETS Support to Central and Eastern Europe” for detailed policy solutions regarding low-carbon funds in the EU ETS revision. To anybody that follows the post-Paris developments it’s clear that the debate about European...
Cement – The Final Carbon Fatcat
Sandbag’s new report reveals European climate laws are increasing emissions in the cement sector, whilst multinational cement companies reap huge financial windfalls. The cement sector must be the final Carbon Fatcat; real reform to the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)...
Calling something a flagship policy doesn’t make it one
On Thursday 19th February, Sandbag's Head of Policy Damien Morris gave evidence to the European Parliament's Environment Committee (ENVI) on fixing the Emissions Trading Scheme. You can watch his opening speech here, or read the speech below. I want to start by...
Mundo-b Matogné. Rue d'Edimbourg 26, Ixelles 1050 Belgium.
Sandbag is a not-for-profit (ASBL) organisation registered in Belgium under the number 0707.935.890.
EU transparency register no. 277895137794-73.
VAT: BE0707935890.