Feb 2, 2014
The carbon budgets set to help deliver Europe’s climate targets risk becoming an accounting fudge that allows these targets to be exceeded. There are now enough spare carbon allowances in the EU emissions trading scheme and the EU Effort Sharing Decision to allow...
Dec 31, 2013
In-depth analysis of what happened under the first year of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme incorporating aviation’s carbon pollution. Under ‘Stop the Clock’, a reduced scope from the original proposals, all intra-EU flights had to account for their...
Dec 1, 2013
The carbon budgets Europe set to meet its 2020 target would allow it to grow its emissions by over 2% a year between now and 2020 (reaching 19% above current levels). Europe must urgently revisit its 2020 target and the carbon budgets set to meet it if the original...
Aug 31, 2013
In this submission to the Climate Change Committee we highlight that the current “climate objective” adopted by the CCC involves unusually low probabilities of keeping global temperature rise below two degrees (e.g. 37%), and also emphasise that the...
Aug 3, 2013
The UK government is examining the EU’s competence (power to act), in balance with the UK government. Sandbag’s evidence regarding the environment and climate change sector is available here; the government’s full report will be published in December...