Apr 2, 2015
Sandbag argues that the Czech Republic could reap advantages from backing an enhanced Market Stability Reserve (MSR), with an early start, and the backload and unallocated allowances prevented from coming to market. We first argue why Czech Republic should reconsider...
Apr 1, 2015
En el presente informe Sandbag expone las ventajas que España experimentaría al respaldar una MSR más ambiciosa. En primer lugar argumentamos por qué España debería reconsiderar su posición acerca de la MSR. Luego exponemos pruebas sólidas basadas en los datos del...
Apr 1, 2015
Updated May 11th version available here. This Powerpoint presentation delves deeper into the EUETS emissions data released today, looking at emissions by data and country, as well as some other details. This links closely with the two main stories we released today:...
Mar 12, 2015
The European Commission is consulting on revision of the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) Directive. Sandbag’s response is available here.
Mar 9, 2015
New analysis from Sandbag shows that even with a strong Market Stability Reserve (MSR), the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) surplus will stay at about two billion tonnes until 2020. This means the carbon price is unlikely to rise significantly.