The moment when 196 countries signed on to this Agreement and the ratification threshold was met in 2016, the Requiem for inappropriately low carbon prices started playing in the background.
Category: ETS
ESR reform: Millions of tonnes of CO2 at stake
Two new briefings show how small changes to the Effort Sharing Regulation – currently being debated by the European Institutions – could slow EU greenhouse gas emissions cuts. Hundreds of millions of tonnes of CO2 emissions are at stake.
The case for additional actions under the EUETS has never been stronger
New ETS reforms guarantee that emissions reductions from coal phase-out, energy efficiency and renewables policy will not ‘pop up’ elsewhere in the EU
EU fails to lead the way on smart carbon markets – Analysis of the ETS reform
Deeper analysis of last week’s EU Emissions Trading System reform, and the consequences for the EU within the Paris Agreement
Out of touch ETS reform puts Member States in the spotlight
Last night’s trialogue agreement failed to restore the ETS as Europe’s flagship climate policy. The EU and Member States must now immediately look to how emissions can be cut rapidly before 2020 with other policies
Three ‘Fs’ to fix the ETS
Changes to funds, flexibility and free allocation are required to fix the EU carbon market
The Flatlining Carbon Price
How plans for weak EUETS reform will not keep pace with falling coal and growing renewables
EUETS trialogues: The diet has begun, but there's plenty of fat left to burn
14th September 2017 ETS reform proposals, as discussions stand after yesterday’s trialogue, could leave the scheme still with a 1-2 billion tonne allowance surplus available to the market in 2025. In this scenario, the carbon price would remain unlikely to rise...
Sandbag ETS Recommendations: How can the trialogues win a meaningful EU carbon price?
Tweet this image Since its creation in 2005, the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) has been in a near constant state of crisis and reform. Since 2011, the carbon price has remained below €10 a tonne, unable to significantly influence investment decisions, and failing...
Factchecking the Business Europe study on ETS reform
On July 6th 2017 Business Europe released a study with consulting firm FTI Compass Lexecon examining reform options for the the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). As negotiations on this file are advancing during the second round of trialogues, scheduled to take...