Blog posts
Europe’s new climate proposal delivers less than business-as-usual emission cuts
Today, the European Commission has released a new proposal for cutting emissions in transport, agriculture and buildings sectors by 2030, and suggests how this effort should be shared between Member States. This proposal introduces a number of dangerous loopholes that...
Bend it, don’t Break it: How can we win the political debate for a higher 2030 ESD target?
This week the Commission should publish its new legislative proposal on the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) – the policy driving emission reductions for the remaining approximately 60% of EU greenhouse gas emissions, not covered under the Emissions Trading System (ETS)....
Flexibilities now: How to get more for less from the EU Effort Sharing Decision?
DG CLIMA, European Commission’s (EC) service for climate change mitigation, will publish the proposal of changes to the EU Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) around 20 July. We expect that the proposal has now entered into the ‘interservice consultation’ where it is...
Stabilising the Market Stability Reserve
Sandbag publishes a new briefing on Stabilising the Market Stability Reserve Sandbag has published analysis of the impact of Phase 4 EU ETS reforms on the Market Stability Reserve (MSR) to accompany its latest briefing - 'Aligning the surplus with reality'. Sandbag's...
Aligning Phase 4 EU ETS reform with reality
Today Sandbag published a new briefing on Phase 4 reform of the EU ETS, providing new insights on different scenarios for reducing the surplus of European Union Allowances (EUAs). Below is a summary of the key messages and findings that are detailed in the briefing:...
ENVI and ITRE are rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic with their ETS revision
The Emissions Trading System reform is in Committee Stage, and a dark comedy has begun. Many of the measures proposed in the Environment (ENVI) committee draft (by Ian Duncan MEP) ironically act against the environment, condemning the EU to an inadequate response to...
The Effort Sharing Dinosaur: Avoiding extinction for the EU’s climate ambition
Today, Thursday 26 May Sandbag has released a new report on the cumulative surplus of Annual Emission Allocations (AEAs) under the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) – the EU’s bigger, but less well-known climate instrument, alongside the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)....
A wake-up call for European emissions targets
In a recent communication responding to the Paris Climate agreement, the European Commission made clear that it does not intend to increase the level of its climate ambition until after 2030. This ignores the clear mandate the Paris Climate agreement provided to...
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