The second ETS trilogue took place last week on October 11th. Tabled proposals on benchmarks regarding the steel…
Category: Steel
European Scrap Steel Floats Away Under Carbon Market Incentives
According to Shipbreaking Platform, a Brussels-based NGO campaigning for the environmental and human rights issues linked to shipbreaking practices, in 2021 alone, 583 ocean-going commercial ships and floating offshore units with a total of 14 million gross...
Starting from scrap: transition to low-carbon steel can go faster with increased use of second-hand metal
New research by Sandbag indicates that a better use of end of life steel objects would help to speed up the reduction of emissions from the sector in Europe…
Starting from scrap : The key role of circular steel in achieving climate goals
Report | Starting from scrap The key role of circular steel in achieving climate goals. This report aims at highlighting the role circularity can have in the fast decarbonization of the steel sector. How can European industrial and climate policy accelerate this...
Steeling ourselves for the future: Steelmakers can help to cut EU emissions
EU ETS reform risks failing to cut the steel sector’s emissions whilst boosting the sector's unearned profits - this was the key message of a letter delivered yesterday to Heads of European Member States from Climate Action Network Europe (of which Sandbag is a...
Response to EUROFER’s press release on the Environment Council’s ETS Reform position
In its press release following the Environment Council’s (ENV) agreement on a general approach for reform of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), the European Steel Association (EUROFER) accuses the Council of falling short on carbon leakage protection. However, as...
Carbon costs for the Steel Sector are not as high as feared
A recent report by the consultancy Ecofys for the European steel association Eurofer suggests steel companies face costs of €28/tonne of steel to comply with ETS obligations by 2030. However, at Sandbag we are sceptical that the proposed revision to the Emissions...