15th Feb, Strasbourg - Today the European Parliament voted to stop the EU Emissions Trading System from providing adequate signals for the transition to a prosperous low-carbon economy. In doing so, Europe’s emission reductions in 2030 are very likely to be out of...
Category: Carbon Pricing
MEPs vote on reforms to tackle cement’s windfall profits from the ETS
MEPs vote on reforms to tackle cement sector’s windfall profits from the ETS A vote in the European Parliament this morning could put an end to the cement sector’s windfall profits from the EU carbon market. MEPs in the European Parliament Environment Committee...
MEPs vote to tackle cement’s windfall profits from the ETS
MEPs vote on reforms to tackle cement sector’s windfall profits from the ETS MEPs in the European Parliament Environment Committee (ENVI), voting on amendments to the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), have proposed to stop giving free allowances to several industrial...
ENVI VOTE on Phase IV ETS reform
Today’s ENVI committee vote on the EU ETS reached a last minute compromise on changes for the Phase IV of the system. The vote failed to create a well functioning market, instead binding the EU ETS to an unrealistic path inconsistent with both effective carbon pricing...
Rebasing the EU ETS cap won't increase uncertainty
Sandbag has proposed rebasing the starting level of the cap under Phase 4 of Europe’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) to reflect actual emissions in 2020.This is the most appropriate reform option for addressing the immediate imbalance between supply and demand in...
Dispelling the waterbed myth
Additional actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are being taken across the EU in sectors covered by the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). These include implementing energy efficiency programmes, deploying renewables, replacing lignite and coal plants with...
The EUETS is being undermined by falling coal generation
Coal power generation has fallen fast. The reasons are nothing to do the EUETS. The fall in coal is a major reason that the carbon price is so low. And this means the rest of the EUETS is getting an easy ride. This threatens the integrity of the whole EUETS. We...
Weak global agreement on aviation means EU must act
Today, the first ever global agreement on aviation and climate change was decided upon in Montreal. The impressive achievement in forging an agreement between 191 nations should not overshadow the fact that aviation emissions remain effectively uncapped. Today’s...
How to fix the ETS
...and avoid the infamous Cross-Sectoral Correction Factor Each year, industries across the EU receive billions of Euros worth of free allowances from the European Commission in order to protect them from the costs of compliance with the EU carbon market. The logic...
Stabilising the Market Stability Reserve
Sandbag publishes a new briefing on Stabilising the Market Stability Reserve Sandbag has published analysis of the impact of Phase 4 EU ETS reforms on the Market Stability Reserve (MSR) to accompany its latest briefing - 'Aligning the surplus with reality'. Sandbag's...